Blog suggestions

Do you have any suggestions for the next blog?

maybe you have a process or an article you feel you and your classmates can use?

or maybe you need help with a spacific process....

If so, you have come to the right place! write your suggestions or questions in the comments box below!


  1. Could you put up some more fine artists? please :)

  2. It would be helpful to have some information about applying for halls of residence as that is one thing I am struggling with.

  3. help me with my pattern making please jamie

  4. I'd like to see more surface pattern and ways of decorating ceramic work, this would help with my FMP.

  5. Could you find some artists that specialise in food such as crafts people and illustrators please, would be really helpful, thank you!

  6. Have a wide range of different artists showing a range of techniques and processes. You could show a range of tips for each topic for example Fine art, Textiles ect.
